Bookseller Catalogs

Catalogue 24: Latin Americana:  1607 - 2016.

By Kaaterskill Books

Catalogue 24: Latin Americana:  1607 - 2016. 61 Archives, Manuscripts, Broadsides, Books, & Graphics 1607 - 2016.

How to request a print version: For a print version contact us at or call our office 518-589-0555

Catalog 415:  BOOKS ON BOOKS

By Susan Benne

Catalog 415:  BOOKS ON BOOKS Printing History * Book Design * Press Books * Typography * Bibliography

How to request a print version: Please download the pdf and print the catalog.

E-List #2: New Arrivals

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-List #2: New Arrivals Our second e-list has a little bit of this, a little bit of that: Books on Native Americans, the stage, an 1833 broadside from London's Drury Lane Theater, a tiny signed photograph of General Tom Thumb's competitor....

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